Frida and Björn have kids, a good apartment and jobs that they are happy for. And yet something is not quite right. Maybe our biology has more to say about our happiness than we assume....
Noah and Katrina return to the island paradise of Tobago, where they fell in love three years ago. However, when Noah's marriage proposal is rejected, paradise quickly becomes a heartbreaking prison for them both...
曾参加过美国内战的退伍老兵埃森·爱德华兹(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)战争结束后返回家乡德克萨斯州,来到哥哥的农场希望与亲人重聚团圆。埃森一直暗恋着自己的嫂子,只把这份感情放在心底。然而一场科曼奇族的突袭,让埃森的心愿彻底粉碎。在这次印地安人的袭击中,埃森的哥嫂双双被杀,侄女黛比(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)被掠,生死未卜。...